Coming Home to Yourself Through the Body
A workshop for women in nature
Using the Chakras as a Framework for Embodiment
6 weeks: August 18 - September 25 2022
Thursdays 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM MT 12:30 - 1:00 BYO lunch, connection & integration 25 minute drive from Boulder, CO.
Overview of workshop:
intimate groups: 12 women max
safe confidential container
support in transforming your relationship with yourself through your body
breath work, movement including Authentic Movement, meditation, touch, inner work, writing/drawing and interactive
interaction with the natural world
practical tools for creating healthy life-affirming stories and habits
skills of witnessing and being witnessed as powerful transformative support
group sponsoring and accountability in taking weekly inspired action
commitment to self responsibility (no victimization or blaming)
Are you a woman that has a lot of self awareness and has done a lot of work on yourself and yet still has parts of your body/self that you judge, feel disconnected from or wish were different? Do you hold more stress in your body than you wish or perhaps are not as connected to your body as you’d like?
Most women struggle with some aspect of their body, whether it is a belief that “my thighs are too big or my breasts are too small or I’m not strong enough or not feminine enough or I have a difficult relationship with food or I feel this tightness in my belly all the time”…... the list goes on and on.
The struggle can be both from personal stories our bodies hold (usually rooted in a lack of self love) as well as collective and ancestral stories our bodies hold about what women’s bodies should or shouldn’t look, feel, dress or behave like.
What would it be like to rewrite the old story of disconnection and shame about your body/self with a new story of experiencing your body as the sacred temple that is the home for your spirit? What if the new story is of loving presence and of awe for the deep wisdom that your body holds? What if the new story is one of gratitude, of a feeling of integration, flow and power in your body? Can you imagine this new story is not only for you but for your daughters and granddaughters, your neighbors and their daughters?
If you are answering YES to these questions then this workshop is for you.
In this experiential workshops we use the chakras as a doorway into connecting with specific parts of our body/selves to support awareness and practices so that our bodies become welcoming homes rather than unfriendly tenancies.
The chakras are physical, energetic psycho/spiritual centers and are doorways into particular aspects of our embodied human experience. For example, when our throat chakra is open our voice is resonant and it is easy to speak our truth. When it is not it can feel like there is a lump in the throat. If someone desires to feel more connected to their spouse it may be that the throat chakra is stuck and their needs to be more flow with truth telling.
The body does not lie. It holds all our beliefs and stories. If we tend to the body it can be an amazing resource and support for living a full, joyous, loving and meaningful life.
In this workshop embodiment is central, we will spend plenty of time inhabiting, moving and listening to the wisdom of our bodies.
Breath work, visualizations, movement, Authentic Movement, self touch, writing/drawing, partner exercises and witnessing/being witnessed will all be part of our journey. Being outdoors we will receive deep supportive relationship with nature.
Each week we will focus on one of the 7 major chakras as a lens through which we create more fluid connection with ourselves, to others and to life.
Week 1: Earth
Creating and deepening a felt sense of safety and belonging and welcoming spirit into body by grounding with the earth, nurturing with self touch and focusing on the feet, legs and pelvic floor.
Week 2: Water
Accessing the power and fluidity of the pelvis and integrating it with rest of the body. Moving with embodied pleasure, embracing our sensuality and sexuality and expressing healthy boundaries.
Week 3: Fire
Activating the power of the solar plexus as a channel to connect with our self worth and autonomy while being relational. Taking inspired action as a means to develop courage, self confidence and growth.
Week 4: Air
Accessing the power of the breath and connection to the heart to nurture loving presence and flow with giving and receiving. Cultivating practices to listen to the intelligence of the heart and developing an attitude of gratitude and care with ourselves and others.
Week 5: Sound and Vibration & Light and Perception
Freeing up the neck, throat and jaw to open up deeper levels of listening and self expression. Speaking truth to self and others, accessing the power of words spoken both internally and externally.
Using the power of intuition and visualization to develop heart brain coherence to manifest our heart's desires. Using the physical eyes and imagination to give more depth to our perception. Practicing the power of witnessing and being witnessed.
Week 6: Source & Integration
Opening to the Creative Mystery, Source, Nature, Infinite Space and the Quantum field. Integrating all parts of the body, mind and spirit so that the life force flows freely. Letting go of ego control and letting in Universal Love though meditation, prayer and/or conscious connection with nature.
Reflection and integration on our journey within and with each other. Celebration of the rewriting of the inner story that supports a coming home to ourselves through the body. Visioning next steps toward greater levels of wholeness individually and collectively.
The power of the group will help us transform areas of ourselves that we could not access by ourselves. We will each rise higher as we witness and sponsor the flowering of each other’s true essence.
We support each other in taking daily actions to transform old stories into new so that we embody the powerful creative women that we are.
$295 early registration prior to 8/4/22, $325 after 8/4/22
*all sessions will meet outdoors. In the case of extreme weather we will shift to online during that session.
"I feel so deeply nourished, inspired and supported in body and soul by Alicia's offerings. She elegantly weaves together solo movement and meditation practices with dyad connections and whole group sharings, and holds such a beautiful, grounded space for everyone to authentically express their own truth and also reflect to others. The deep listening inside myself and with others, truly awakened my chakras --- thank you."
A. B. Bodyworker and Healer
“I have been wanting to change something about my femininity, I feel like the workshop changed me so much, I feel so proud to be a woman, We are carrying all of this inside, satisfied, thank you so much!” M.R. Artist
“I’ve never had a deeper experience of getting in touch with myself and each other. I feel blessed. How can we reach women, who cannot come to something like this? This is the most evolutionary step in feminism.” S.K. Dancer
"Alicia is an amazing facilitator. Not only does she know the material very well, she holds a safe, welcoming and encouraging container. She is able to inspire curiosity and playfulness in a way that makes the exercises/material engaging, inclusive and accessible to all levels." S.B. Artist
"Alicia is truly a master of her craft. In my experience attending her workshop. I touched some of my deepest parts and experienced liberation of tucked away rage in a way that few modalities can even come close to. I felt so held through this process and it was Alicia's incredible skill and ability to create safe space that liberated this emotion, that few people in my life have ever even seen or know in me, could be moved, shifted and transformed into radical power and possibility." C.C. Renewable Energy Consultant
"Alicia is such an open-hearted and bright person and fully embraces all women's struggles as well as their success” great or small! I feel very welcomed and at ease in her presence." P.L. Yoga teacher