Contact Improvisation
Contact Improvisation
Video of Alicia and Sarkis improvising
I offer weekly classes in Boulder, individual sessions and travel nationally and internationally to teach and perform.
January 2 - 5 Long Beach, CA Long Beach Contact Improvisation Festival
January 25 Boulder, CO The Moving Head & Neck: Contact Improvisation and Bodywork with Til Luchau & Alicia
February 23 - Mar 4 Praiwan Raft House, Thailand teaching CI at advanced myofascial training retreat
March 7 - 12 Kho Phangan, Thailand From the Ground Up: A Contact Improvisation Workshop
March 14 Hanoi, Vietnam, Foreign Trade University Introduction to CI class more information Phan The Van
March 15 & 16 Hoa Binh, Vietnam Principles of Contact Improvisation Retreat
March 20 - 23 Tokyo, Japan From the Ground Up - A Contact Improvisation Workshop
April 26 & 27 Washington, DC. Contact improvisation workshop more information email Amy
May 10 Boulder, CO The Moving Arm & Shoulder: Contact improvisation and Bodywork with Til Luchau & Alicia
May 17 & 18 (TBC) Twin Cities, MN Contact Improvisation workshop More information email Gary
June 19 - 22 Evergreen, CO Unfurl: Summer Solstice Contact Improvisation & Breathwork Retreat
June 25 - 29 Lummi Island, WA. Silent CI, Authentic Movement & Contemplative Dance Practice Retreat
July 2 - 6, Berkeley, CA. West Coast Contact Improvisation Jam
July 18, Near Boulder, CO Authentic Movement and Breathwork in Nature
August 25 - September 7 Salt Spring Island, BC Canada Coming Home - Two Week Embodiment Retreat co facilitate with Sabine Parzer
November 7 - 9 Redding, CT Contact Improvisation Workshop
Jan 13 Boulder, CO The Moving Spine - For Contact Improvisers and Bodyworkers
Jan 18 - 21 Long Beach, CA Long Beach Contact Improvisation Festival
Feb 24 Boulder, CO Trio Contact Improvisation Workshop Alicia Grayson, Gwen Ritchie & Brandon Brashers
Mar 29 - 31 Austin, TX Fluid Architecture, Contact Improvisation Workshop
Apr 5 - 9 Belton, TX Contact Improvisation Workshops at Celest Fest Eclipse
April 27 Boulder, CO The Moving Pelvis - For Contact Improvisors and Bodyworkers with Til Luchau and Alicia Grayson
May 10 - 12 Nevada City, CA Contact Improvisation Workshop
May 13 - 17 Nevada City, CA Lab for Advanced Dancers
May 23 - 27 Lummi Island, WA Silent CI, Authentic Movement & Contemplative Dance Practice Retreat
June 20 - 23 Evergreen, CO Unfurl: Summer Solstice Contact Improvisation & Breathwork Retreat
July 12 Near Boulder CO Authentic Movement and Breathwork in Nature
July 24 - 28 Orcas Island, WA Contact Improvisation Jam on Orcas Island
Aug 26 - Sep 8 Salt Spring Island, Canada Embodiment Retreat Coming Home to Ourselves through the Body co-teach w/ Sabine Parzer
Oct 26 Boulder, CO Bodywork and Contact improvisation workshop with Tiil Luchau and Alicia
Nov 15 - 25 Goa, India 2 week CI training as part of 7 week residency Art of Improvisation Residency
Nov 27 - 29 Goa, India 3 day Active Witnessing Authentic Movement Workshop
February 3 Mexico City, Mexico Ariadna Franco
February 4 - 11 Cuernavaca, Mexico assisting BBTRS training
April 28 - 30 Vancouver, Canada Western Canada Contact Improvisation Festival
May 28 - June 4 Kikow, Poland assisting BBTRS training
June 9 - 11 Grenoble, France Bastien Auber
June 13 - 25 Arlequi Banyolas, Spain Coming Home to the Body Retreat co-teach w/ Sabine Parzer
August 19 - September 1 Salt Spring Island, British Columbia Coming Home to the Body Retreat co-teach w/ Sabine Parzer
September 2 Nelson, British Columbia Women’s Embodiment Workshop Judy Katz.
September 3 & 4 Nelson, British Columbia Contact Improvisation Workshop Judy Katz.
October 27 - 29 Redding, CT Peaceable Barn
October 28 - 30 Redding, CT
October 17 Los Angeles, CA Ezra LeBank
October 15 & 16 Santa Barbara, CA Aaron Musicant.
October 7 - 9 Nevada City, CA Rebecca Bone
September 28 - October 2 Mammoth Lakes, CA
September 9 - 11 Nelson, BC, Canada Judy Katz
July 10 Oberlin, Ohio Delicious Breathing, Delightful Dancing Critical Mass: CI@50
April 30 - May 1 Grenoble, France co-teach with Bastien Auber
April 22 - 24 Berlin Germany Moving From Within, Moving Together co-teach with Eslske Seidel
April 13 - 18, 2022 Vienna, Austria Embody Transform co-teach with Sabine Parzer
March 6 Mexico City Breathing into the Form Ariadna Franco
CI Workshops 2021 - 2018:
September 20 - October 3, 2021 Georgia
Canceled due to COVID-19
April 13 - 18, 2021 Vienna, Austria Embody Transform co-teach with Sabine Parzer Online & Live
April 17 - 18, 2021 Copenhagen, Denmark Dorte Bjerre Jensen
Canceled due to COVID-19
April 23 - 25, 2021 Hamberg, Germany Angela Mara Merkel
Canceled due to COVID-19
September 21 - October 4, 2020 Georgia
Canceled due to COVID-19
September 9 - 13, 2020 Vienna, Austria Women Embody Transform co-teach with Sabine Parzer
Canceled due to COVID-19
August 5 - 9, 2020 Silent Retreat Twisp, Washington TBC
Canceled due to COVID-19
August 1 - 2, 2020 Nelson, BC, TBC Judy Katz
Canceled due to COVID-19
July 1 - 4 , 2020 Vancouver, BC, Vancouver Improvisation Symposium
Canceled Due to Covid-19
June 5 - 7, 2020 Burlington, VT Jonathan Lilly
Canceled Due to COVID-19
May 17 - 25, 2020 Moab Workshop and Jam organizer team
Canceled Due to Covid-19
April 10 - 12, 2020 Vancouver, BC Vancouver CI Festival
Canceled due to Covid-19
March 20 - 22, 2020 Barcelona, Spain Aurora
Canceled due to Covid-19
March 16 - 19, 2020 Madrid, Spain Sarah Gottlieb
Canceled due to COVID-19
March 4 - 15, 2020 Fuerteventura, Canary Islands
February 29 - March 1, 2020 London, UK Robert Anderson
November 8 - 11, 2019, Redding, CT co-teach with Bradley Ellis
October 4 -6, 2019 Nelson, BC Judy Katz
September 10, 2019 Boulder, CO Intro to CI workshop, donation based 5:30 - 7:00 PM at BCC
July 19 - 28, 2019 Lake Champlain CI Intensive, Burlington, VT From Ground to Sky
July 13, 2019 Boulder, CO Advanced workshop in Contact Improvisation
June 13 - 19, 2019 Salt Spring Island, BC Plunge Intensive
May 19 - 27, 2019 Moab Workshop and Jam organizer team
March 27 - 31, 2019 Vienna, Austria Women Embody Transform Intensive with Sabine Parzer
March 23 & 24, 2019 Grenoble, France Bastein Auber
March 15 - 17, 2019 Copenhagen, Denmark Dorte Bjerre Jensen
February 15 - 17, 2019 Vancouver, BC Joni Cooke
December 7 - 9, 2018 Asheville, NC
November 9 - 12, 2018 Redding, CT
September 28 - 30, 2018 Nelson, BC Judy Katz
August 11 - 12, 2018 Vancouver, BC River Ritcey:
August 5 - 9, 2018 Lasqueti Island, BC
May 20 -28, 2018 Moab Workshop and Jam organizer team
April 21 -22, 2018 Los Angeles, CA
"Alicia's classes have had a profound effect on my dancing and in my life. She has an incredible ability to help her students drop deeply into their own experience. Her classes have helped me bring way more connection and meaning to my dancing, and to other areas of my life as well." K.L. Executive Director at private school
""I cannot say enough about how much I respect and admire Alicia as a dedicated movement artist while maintaining her grounded presence. Her dancing is like a mountain with lots of flowers blooming all over it, the fragrance and colors shine while her strength supports it all. Quicksilver and generous as a performer, her teaching emanates her deep care for the form of Contact Improvisation and her students receive clarity and warmth simultaneously." B.S. dancer, actor, CI teacher
"Alicia is a fabulous teacher and dancer. She creates excitement and warmth in her classes, and allows everyone to find their own pathway through the medium of Contact Improvisation. She is extremely knowledgeable about Contact, and teaches both skill based work and more creative exploration in an engaged and kinesthetically delightful manner." J.R. dancer, teacher, performer
"Wowie wowie wowie! What a beautiful night! Thank you for holding such beautiful, healing and amazing space for me to clear the energy I was in. You are magical Alicia - I am so honored to know you and to be learning from you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" B.Y. Intimacy Coach
"I really really enjoyed the Winter session. You are such an incredible teacher, but really even more-- an amazing, inspiring being!" L.Y. Sustainability Specialist
"Thank you. I felt as if I was swept away into a really beautiful safe retreat. The lessons of breath, skin and bone brought such a gentle ease and power to contact. I am in awe of your control of the material and how you intertwine biology, physics, metaphor with our very human connections." M.L.L Professional Dancer
"Thanks again for the lesson today! You are a gifted teacher and I am very grateful to be able to study with you! The C.I. lessons have been powerfully transformational in every way and have informed my work, relationships and spiritual life in very positive ways. Many Thanks!" A.O. Bodyworker/Movement Educator
"It was a really special weekend for me, deeply needed and delicious and surprising in so many ways. I got so much energy from your teaching and the intelligence and spaciousness with which you guide a group. And that dance! What a blast of a contact dance with you--haven't had one of those dances that celebrates youth and prowess, I'm sad to say, in quite a while. It was good medicine for me." A. L. Dancer, performer, teacher